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Why Lose Money Renting, Buy From Us
We Pay Full Equity Price In Cash
Homes we have sold
Let Golden Harvest help turn rental dollars into down payments and transition you from renting to owning.
No credit check no hassle. Come in as a renter and a portion of your rent payments can be used for your down payment to purchase your home.
The only requirement is that you take a financial literacy class once a month until you're ready to buy the home of your dream, which could be the one your living in or a new home of your choice.
Do you want a new start but don't want to go through the hassle of real estate brokers and salespeople running all through your house. Golden Harvest Associates will buy out your equity in your current home for cash.
We will then renovate the house and sell it to one of our transition owners. Owners who are currently enrolled in our financial literacy program.
Don't settle for a fraction of your equity, as most companies offer. We pay full equity price in cash.